Ezoic is one of the premium ad platforms out there. No question about that.
That said, if you are still monetizing your website with Adsense alone, I would highly like to encourage you to look after some other options, as you are most likely missing out on a LOT of revenue here.
If you do have decent traffic, you gotta go with one of the big players in the ad game: Ezoic, Mediavine or AdThrive.
Each of these ad platforms (networks) has its own strength and weaknesses.
Today, we will take about one of the biggest strengths of EZOIC: The Ezoic Big Data Analytics
Ezoic Big Data Analytics: What is it?
Simply put, Ezoic Big Data Analytics let every publisher see how much money they are earning. But in fact, this is a vast understatement.
Let me tell you why.
Not only will you be able to see how much money you are earning every month with the help of Ezoic ads, but also you will see exactly HOW exactly you are earning this money.
What does that even mean?
It means that you will see exactly how much money each individual post & page brings in.
That’s it?
Not at all. There are lots of different functions and featutres withing Big Data Analytics.
In fact, Ezoic Big Data Analytics is a little bit like Google Analytics, but better, or let’s say more comprehensive.
Big Data Analytics is obviously tailormade for publishers that are monetizing their website through Ezoic.
Therefore, the focus of BDA is on ads and ad monetization.
But at the same time, you also get like almost all the basic information that you usually get & need from Google Analytics.
Who has even access to Big Data Analytics?
As soon as your domain/website gets approved by Ezoic, you will also have access to the Ezoic BDA.
If you do have several websites on Ezoic, every website (and with that its statistics) can be accessed separately (much in the fashion of Google Analytics).
The access to BDA is free
And boy, you should absolutely make use of BDA, as there is much for you to gain using it!
Big Data Analytics: Here’s why you need to use it
Ok, great. We have seen so far what BDA is and who can actually use it.
But why should you even use it? What’s so great about it?
The great thing about Ezoic Big Data Analytics is that it will give you very valuable insights about the ad monetization on your website, and, specifically, which posts & pages perform well (or not so well) in terms of ad revenue.
And that, ladies and gentleman, is huge.
Why’s that?
Mainly because it will tell you exactly which kinds of posts perform the best on your website and which posts don’t work well.
Also, it will help you to find out why that is.
Maybe your content is too short?
You can easily find out about the correlation between post length and ad revenue with the help of BDA.
Maybe the majority of your traffic is coming from low-paying countries?
Use BDA and you will know in seconds if that is the case.
Maybe writing product reviews is more profitable in your niche than writing some tutorials about how to do a certain thing?
Use BDA and you will quickly know what kind of content performs best on your website.
That all sounds great, really. But can we now please have a look at how we actually gonna use BDA to pull that kind of data?
Yes, sir! Let’s do it.
Ezoic Big Data Analytics: Crucial Statistics & Metrics!
Now let’s pack some meat in this post. We will start with the best thing ever. That’s not usually how things are done but I think my readers deserve the best. Straight away.
EPMV on a post-per-post basis

How much money you are going to earn with Ezoic ultimately depends on your EPMV. Sorry, what? You heard it right, EPMV.
The EPMV stands for the earnings that you get per thousand visitors. For more details, please have a look here.
This metric, ladies and gentleman, is absolutely crucial for you and your ad earnings.
Simply put, the higher your EPMV is, the more money you are going to earn. It’s as simple as that.
But how on earth do you even know how high your EPMV is and how can you increase your EZOIC EPMV?
Ezoic Big Data Analytics actually delivers answers for both of these questions.
So, how high is my EPMV?
To find out, do the following:
From your Ezoic Dashboard, select “Analytics” to get to your Big Data Analytics Dashboard.
Now, make sure that the right domain is selected (if you just have one domain on Ezoic, then there’s nothing to worry about).
On the left side, choose “Content” and then select “Landing pages.”
Now, scroll down a little bit and you will see a table with all the landing pages.
In this table, in the last column, you will see your ePMV.
On top of the table you will see your overall ePMV and below that you will see your epMV for every single post you have ever written.
Now, if you click on the column ePMV once (click on where it is written ePMV, all your landing pages will be sorted according to the ePMV.
The post with the highest ePMV will now show first, the post with the second-highest ePMV after that, and so on and so forth.
And this is where things get magic. You can now see which posts earn you the most money per 1000 visitors.
You will most probably find out that some posts perform much better than others.
Your quest is now to find out which posts perform better than others and to find out what these posts have in common (what’s the common pattern here?)
On your blog, you might have 3 different categories, one being product reviews, one being regular response posts on topics in your niche and one maybe being interviews.
Try to find out which post (category) does best. In some cases, there can be huge gaps in earnings depending on the category.
Maybe a review post will give you an ePMV of 20, whereas an interview post will only earn you 7 dollars on average.
To have this kind of statistics is incredibly powerful, as it will allow you to understand which kinds of posts are really worth the hard work in terms of ad revenue!
Once you figured out what kind of content works best in terms of ad revenue, produce more of that kind!
Let me give you an example: I have a website about traveling. On that website I write about (hand) luggage regulations.
On that very website, my posts usually fall in one of three categories: Airline specific regulations & info, hand luggage forbidden/allowed items, flying with children/family/pets.
Now, using the method that I just showed you guys, I easily found out that every time when I was writing about something where the main focus was on a specific airline, my ePMV for that post was far higher than when writing about things that felll in one of the other categories.
Now, guess on which category I have been focusing ever since? Pretty obvious, right?
Ad Revenue Based on Word Count

Another cool thing you can do with the Ezoic Big Data Analytics is to see how well (in terms of ad revenue) your posts are performing in correlation with word count.
To check this, again choose “Content” and then select “Page Details.”
You will now be able to see how well your posts are performing (in terms of ad revenue) in correlation with the word count of your articles.
This is yet another very useful info, as you can quickly see if it is worth for you to produce very long content or if short content does an equally good job for you.
Generally speaking, longer content does better and is also better for SEO. But how long?
In my case, I just found out that on one of my websites, the Page RPM for posts that have a word count between 1000 to 2500 words is actually lower than for posts that have a word count of 2500 to 5000.
After all, this is very surprising. And in the future, I will most probably try to keep my texts in the 1000 to 2500 word range rather than producing even longer texts.
Ad revenue based on country of origin
This is yet another fantastic statistic that you can access with Big Data Analytics. This one is very very interesting, indeed.
I remember the first time I looked this one up. It really opened my eyes. It’s so simple, yet so powerful and incredibly important as far as your ad revenue goes.
So what’s so special about this one?
Well, what is special is that you can see at one glance how much visitors from different countries are worth in terms of ad revenue.
And you will definitely find out one thing: The difference in ePMV you are getting depending on from where your visitors are accessing your website is absolute HUGE.
While 100’0000 visitors from the US per month might make you rich, 100’000 visitors per month from the Philipines might hardly be enough to pay your electricity bill.
Yes, epMV does vary a lot according to the niche that you are actually operating in but where your audience is coming from is yet another extremely important factor!
Now, how do you find out in Ezoic’s Big Data Analytics?
On the left side of your dashboard, simply choose “Audience” and then select “Location.” Voilà.
You will now see where your audience is coming from and how much money you are netting in from each country. Pretty amazing, no?
Here’s some data from one of my german websites about traveling:

So, in my case, it turns out that on this specific website, I earn the most money per thousand visitors if these visitors are accessing my website from Switzerland.
My main audience is (unfortunately) from Germany, where the EPMV is set at 9.58 at the moment.
So, based on that data, my goal for the future could be to get more people from Switzerland visiting my website, simply because they get me more money in terms of ad revenue.
But wait a second, why is the EPMV for the US so incredibly bad? (just above 1 dollar).
Well, this is simply because this specific website is written in German. So people from the US most likely can’t even decipher the content on that website.
If this website would be written in English, US traffic would certainly be much more valuable (most possibly be at the top of this list in terms of EPMV).
Ad Revenue based on Browser & OS

Another interesting statistic that BDA can deliver you on a silver platter is the ad revenue based on the actual browser (os).
In order to display that data, head over to Technology and then choose Broswer & OS.
Don’t be surprised to see that the ePMV might vary drastically depending on the browser that your visitors use.
In my case, the epMV for visitors that use Google Chrome is dramatically higher than for visitors that are using Safari to get on my website.
The reasons for this could be manifold. It could be that certain versions of Safari have a built-in adblocker.
Also, it could be that Safari users are mainly mobile users while a bigger part of the users that is using Google Chrome are actually using a desktop device.
As you see, this kind of statistic raises many questions. But it also answers many questions and you can get very granular with the results and filters.
You could now dig deeper and check whether most of those google chrome users are using a mobile device to access your website or if they are indeed using a desktop device.
How to Make More Money with Your Website on EZOIC
At some point in your blogging career you will actually realize that a blog or website can be a viable business.
But like any business out there, you need to make the right business decisions to see your business flourish.
And if you do have a website on EZOIC that you makes you good money, then using Ezoic Big Data Analytics will help you to make the right business decisions, which ultimately means even more money in your pocket.
So what is the best way to use Ezoic Big Data Analytics to improve your blog posts and earnings?
From a financial perspective, I highly advise you to sort your blog posts according to the amount of money they are making you each and every single month.
Then focus on the Top 10. So what should I do then with these?
Well, here are some actionable tips for you:
Are any of your Top 10 Posts Outdated? If yes, UPDATE them.
Are any of your Top 10 posts really short? If yes, make them LONGER.
Are there any topics you can think of in the same (sub)niche as your Top 10 posts? If yes, CREATE more articles like that.
These 3 tips alone can absolutely skyrocket your earnings on any kind of website.
OUTDATED posts decline in rankings.
SHORT articles earn a much lower EPMV.
NEW content that is directly comparable to the contents you have in your Top 10 will most likely produce similar EPMVs.
With all that said, what are you guys waiting for?
Dive into these Ezoic Big Data Analytics and make things happen. With this rational approach you can indeed take your content business to the next level!
Let’s go and do some damage!

Hey guys! It’s me, Marcel, aka Maschi. On MaschiTuts, it’s all about tutorials! No matter the topic of the article, the goal always remains the same: Providing you guys with the most in-depth and helpful tutorials!