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What is %s in Python? — Secret Revealed!

What is %s in Python? — Secret Revealed!

%s is an argument specifier in Python and is used for string formatting. It borrows its syntax from the C language. Simply put,

it lets you add a value inside a string.

The value can be a string or any object that can get converted into a string, for example, a number, a list, etc.


All string values

Consider the following example.


name = input("Please insert your name: ")
song = input("What is your favorite song? " )
print("Hello %s! Would you like to listen to %s?" %(name, song))


In the above example, we take the name and the favorite song from the user and display a message using these values.

Moreover, we put %s as a placeholder at those places where you want values of variables.

A tuple containing values follows the format string, i.e., %(name, song). Remember to insert values in the same order you want to display them. In this case, the name will come first, and then the song.

A sample output of the above example is given below.


Please insert your name: ashton
What is your favorite song? Perfect
Hello ashton! Would you like to listen to Perfect?

As you can see, this works as expected.


A single value

If we only have a single %s, then we can write a value without a tuple. Let’s see.


name = input("Please insert your name: ")
print("Hello %s!" % name)




Please insert your name: Agar
Hello Agar!


Objects with a string representation

As already mentioned, a value can be any object that can be converted into a string. Let’s take an example.


name = "Smith"
score = [70, 80, 90, 100]
print("The score of %s in the last four matches: %s" % (name, score))




The score of Smith in the last four matches: [70, 80, 90, 100]


As you can observe, we place a string and a list using the %s argument specifier. It converts the list to a string automatically.

Let’s take the same example and do it using the concatenation operator.


name = "Smith"
score = [70, 80, 90, 100]
print("The score of " + name + " in the last four matches " + str(score))



The score of Smith in the last four matches [70, 80, 90, 100]

Here, unlike %s, we explicitly convert the list to a string and use + at every place we want to add a value.



Moreover, the number of argument specifiers needs to be the same as the number of values in the tuple. If they are not, you will get an error. Let’s see.


name = input("Please insert your name: ")
song = input("What is your favorite song? " )
print("Hello %s! Would you like to listen to %s?" %(name))




What does %s in Python mean

What does %s in Python mean

As you can see in the above output, the program throws a TypeError.


Mapping key

Instead of remembering the order in which you want to insert values, you can pass a mapping key to %s. Consider the following example to understand this concept.


name = "Ashton Agar"
age  = 20
print("My name is %(name)s and my age is %(age)s." %{"age":age, "name":name})




My name is Ashton Agar and my age is 20.


In the above example, we pass a dictionary containing (key, value) pairs instead of a tuple. Moreover, the key is placed in between the % and s, which gets replaced by its value later. Therefore, we do not need to remember the order.

%s is an old method of formatting strings. Better techniques such as format() and f-strings have been introduced that are easier to use and provide more functionalities.