Instagram’s one of the many social media apps that people go to when they want to look for some visual inspiration. Whatever your reason is for using Instagram, the most important thing is to make your post visually appealing and eye-catching. Otherwise, you won’t be able to persuade (in the figurative sense) your followers to …
Aww! I wish I can feature my Instagram story forever! Is that even possible? Well, if you’re an updated user of Instagram, you’ll see that they already incorporated this feature in the app as an Instagram highlight cover. And, with all the amazing things you can design in Canva for Instagram, highlight covers are merely …
Whoah! I’ve got to plan out my Instagram content for this month! Is it even possible to get all those Instagram posts up and ready way in advance? Well, if you’re using Canva, you won’t have to fret. But, how exactly you can use Canva for Instagram, that we have to find out in a …